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Administration Assistant

221 Clementi Ave 4, Singapore 129881

About Us

To mend the reception counter, main gate and entrance door, ensure visitors sign-in and out the visitor book when they leave the home. To send out out-going mail, date-stamp all the in-coming mails and distribute them to respective personnel. To answer in-coming call, greet visitors, relaying staffs messages and accepting deliveries. To prepare and file correspondence and maintenance of filing system. Responsible for upkeep and repair of PC and copier including ordering of office supplies and call for service. To arrange and confirm with service provider for transport requisition. To prepare resident case file for every new admission. To print weekly updated resident admission and hospital admission list. To prepare daily staffs meal list and perform other ad-hoc duties assign. To participate in any and all activities related to the smooth running of the admin Department.





Overview - Administration Assistant

Administration Assistant at 221 Clementi Ave 4, Singapore 129881 is a Jobs in Singapore.

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Salary: S$ NA

Posted Date:04 July, 2020

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Booking time: 0800 - 2000 hrs

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