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Account Executive at Durasafe Pte Ltd in Singapore

1 Tampines North Drive 1 / Tampines / East Region
Posted Date: 03 November, 2020

Ad Description

Job Description Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree/Post Graduate Diploma/Professional Degree in Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent. At least 3 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Must have working experience to handle full set of accounts Perform daily reconciliation, bank reconciliation on daily and monthly basis Prepare monthly P&L Complete the month end closing process and review all journals, posting & reconcilliations to ensure proper compliance with accounting standards Prepare GST Returns Preparation of audit schedule Liaise with external auditors, statutory bodies, company secreterial, bankers and other consultants for audit/ financial and banking matters Any other adhoc duties Able to multi-task and work with tight deadlines Fast pace working environment (Marine & Oil & Gas Industry) 5.5 days (Alternate Sat off) Office is located at Tampines (T-Space, nearby IKEA) Applicant who is able start work immediately/ within short notice is highly preferred. Benefits: Health Insurance for doctor & hospital Sponsoring of work-related studies or upgrading course

Job Category: Accounting & Audit Jobs

Job Type: Full-Time

Education Level: Degree

Company Name: Durasafe Pte Ltd

EA License Number: 197803234C


East Region



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Permanent-Full-time Jobs


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