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Sales job in Singapore at TME Systems Pte Ltd

1 Commonwealth Ln, #07-06 One Commonwealth, Singapore 149544 / Singapore / Singapore
Posted Date: 02 November, 2020

Ad Description

Job Description Responsibilties To provide overall support and assistance to the Sales Managers, Sales and Application Personnel in the office. To manage the smooth transition of the sales process in its entirety and to ensure that proper documentation and communication procedures are adhered to in accordance with the Company’s operational policies. This function shall include the arrangement of shipment documents, packaging, receipt and delivery of goods and services and the processing of the associated documents to facilitate these processes. To receive goods and prepare goods for pre-dispatch check and dispatch, in particular removal of all principal’s documents from within packaging. To maintain a proper filing system of all documents and correspondences associated to the business within your group. To assist in the general administrative duties in the office, including the answering of telephone calls. To provide services to any other tasks that may be assigned to you by your superior or the management from time to time. Requirements You will be responsible for liaising with suppliers, customers and forwarders, as well as documenting the whole sales process, to direct the flow of merchandise smoothly. You should Be versed in MS Office and IT-savvy Have good inter-personal communication and telephone skills Have spirit of cooperation and teamwork Be meticulous, accurate and conscientious Have knowledge of Incoterms Have knowledge of shipping insurance Have knowledge of stock-keeping Have knowledge of trade documentation Have knowledge of freight forwarding arrangements Salary negotiable on qualities and experience. No age limits. Further Description Candidate must possess at least a Primary/Secondary School/"O" Level, Professional Certificate/NiTEC, Diploma, or Advanced/Higher/Graduate Diploma, any field. At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field is preferred. Applicants must be willing to work in Commonwealth. Preferably Junior Executives specializing in Clerical/Administrative Support, Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent. Full-Time position(s) available. Additional Information

Job Category: Retail & Sales Jobs

Job Type: Full-Time

Education Level: Diploma

Company Name: TME Systems Pte Ltd

EA License Number: 06C5060





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Permanent-Full-time Jobs


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